
Committed to Quality Practice Learning

The National Organisation for Practice Teaching (NOPT) is a voluntary organisation with membership from individuals interested in practice learning and social work education. The organisation is managed and run by unpaid volunteers working in their own time. We are committed to promoting quality practice learning opportunities in social work settings for learners working across a continuum of training and education.

Supporting Social Work Practice Learning for

over 40 years

NOPT has represented the interests of members through consultation with the major bodies involved in social work education since its inception and continues to do so as changes and concerns evolve. Individual committee members have represented NOPT on NICE Social Work Engagement Advisory Group, British Association of Social Workers and Social Work England.

NOPT has been particularly involved in activities with BASW including participation in the PEPS reviews, PCF Refresh and a joint project, “Look After Your Practice Educator.” Additionally individual members of the committee have contributed to the PCF Refresh.

Members of the committee have met with Social Work England colleagues to participate in their future strategy consultation. Committee members have contributed to Community Care requests for NOPT’s opinion on relevant matters including student placements in lockdown.

NOPT is keen to support members and as the annual conference was not possible during the pandemic replaced this by commissioning three webinars for practice educators.

Our rescheduled conference for 2023 will hopefully provide an opportunity for networking, sharing good practice and enjoying a shared learning experience with like- minded others.

Our focus in recent years has been to establish a new web site that is fit for purpose. This has taken time to develop and but will hopefully be beneficial to us all.

We welcome your views – get in touch…

Our Aims

The aims are framed within the context of anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory social work practice.

Our Objectives

  • To promote anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice throughout all aspects of its operation
  • To promote good standards and adequate resources for practice teaching in social work and social services education and training
  • To identify and develop the components of practice teaching
  • To increase knowledge, skills and awareness of values relating to practice teaching
  • To collect, collate and disseminate information about practice teaching
  • To provide an information and advice service, particularly to statutory agencies and the independent sector in relation to the provision and co-ordination of good quality learning opportunities
  • To collaborate with such other bodies as are working for the advancement of practice teaching as above
  • To raise funds and to invite and receive contributions from any person or persons whatsoever by way of subscriptions, donations and otherwise provided that the organisation does not undertake any permanent trading activities in raising funds
  • To do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the attainment of the objectives

NOPT Constitution 2020 Edition

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