
The National Organisation for Practice Teaching, known as NOPT is a voluntary organisation hosting this web site.

NOPT is managed and run by a committee formed of unpaid volunteers based throughout England with no office address. Where an office address is required the address of a Co-Chair would be provided. Its membership includes individuals interested in social work education, practice learning and practice education.

The organisation is committed to promoting quality practice learning opportunities in social work settings for learners across a continuum of training and education.

This web site seeks to offer members access to current practice education information as well as workshop presentations form previous NOPT Conferences and links to other relevant organisations.

Non-members can access the site but not the members portal.

NOPT commitment
NOPT committee is committed to ensuring all members have equal access to the website and its functions and confirm that any personal information required will only be used for sending out information. It will not be disclosed to any third parties.

Terms of service
Membership is free. Prospective members can join via the website.

Only essential information for membership will be required. This will only be used for sending relevant information to members.

Please read privacy policy

No information will be held on guests accessing the site.

Acknowledgement statement
Members must accept and agree the terms and conditions of accessing the website.

NOPT will not accept misuse of the website such as malicious, abusive or discriminatory comments or behaviour.

NOPT is not responsible for illegal infiltration of the website. Members will be informed should any such incident arise.

NOPT will not add literature to the website that is of any discriminatory nature.

Intellectual Property Rights
All logos and intellectual copyrights are protected by the terms and conditions of the organisation.

Links to relevant organisations, articles, books and literature are subject to NOPT terms and conditions and those of the individual and or organisation.

Links to websites
Links to other websites are for information purposes. NOPT is not responsible for the content and resources on these sites nor for loss or damage that may arise from their use.

Any site links that bring NOPT into disrepute will be removed.

Any breach of the terms and conditions by members will be brought to the attention of the Co-Chairs and committee who will agree an outcome.

Serious breeches will result in membership being discontinued and removal from the organisation.

Updating the website
The appointed website administrator will be responsible for maintaining the site adding new materials and NOPT documents.

Contact NOPT
Should you have any questions or queries regarding the Terms and Conditions Policy please contact NOPT.


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